Membership fees

Membership fees – 2023/24

There are no joining fees for new members.

Annual subscriptions for membership are as follows:

  • Ordinary Member – $280*
    * A discounted subscription is available for the first two years for an Ordinary
    member new to the sport. For 2023-2024, the discounted subscription is $240.
    If already an Ordinary Member of another croquet club in WA, the newly joining
    member to indicate if Nedlands is to be their ‘Primary’ Club.
  • Associate Member – $75
    An Associate Member is a player, currently an Ordinary Member at another croquet club in WA, but who also wishes to become a member of the Nedlands Croquet Club. Associate Members can play at any time and enjoy the privileges of an Ordinary Member, except they cannot represent the Club in tournaments or vote at General Meetings.
  • Student Member – $90
    Students are required to pay full green fees for games played.
    Student members can play at any time and enjoy all other privileges of an Ordinary member, except they cannot vote at General Meetings.
  • Social Member – $40
    A Social Member shall have no voting rights.

Fees are payable from 1 July. Members who join between October and the following June, are entitled to a pro rata fee on their annual membership fee.

Click here for an application form to become an Ordinary, Associate, Student or Social Member

Associate Members Martin Clarke and Richard Lee playing in the 2014 GC Club Singles Championships

Associate Members Martin Clarke and Richard Lee playing in the 2014 GC Club Singles Championships

  • Methods of payment
    Fees can be paid:
      1. directly into our bank account, details of which can be obtained from
      2. by cheque payable to Nedlands Croquet Club Inc.